During the last month, I have been lacking inspiration on what to talk about for this issue. Toward the end of the month, I started writing a “To Do” list with two columns. The first column was my list for the day, the second was a list for “the Universe”. For about a week I asked the Universe each day for inspiration but nothing came. The last few days of the month the Blog moved over to my side but still nothing. Alas, here we are and today I am inspired to share the struggle…. the evolution… and the clarification that contrast has provided.
Have you ever had a really bad day that just bled into the rest of the month and five weeks later you still find yourself in recovery mode? Of course, we all know better than this but sometimes it is just hard to get out of the rut. The best advice I have heard recently about getting “closure” on an issue is to just close your mouth. Don’t continue to speak it and it will fade away. Why are we driven to share so much and commiserate about the things that aren’t going well? We keep the pain active in our vibration every time we think about it and even more so when we talk about it. Not only does this not feel good, it also attracts more of the same which is why one bad day can continue on and on for weeks or even years until we make a decision to change our mind.
It’s funny timing that I accepted a two-part challenge last month. 1. Post something you are grateful for each day of November, and 2. Livestream for at least 3 minutes a day for 30 days on Facebook Live. This gave birth to what I now like to call #gratituderant. As challenging as the month was, I successfully completed the challenge and decided to continue a few days a week on my Facebook page Brenda Ridgley - Connector, Speaker, Mentor, Blogger. Appreciation and gratitude are just plain good for us. As I see it, we are submersed in negative “rants” on social media, at the water cooler, and at home. This has become a way to share my gratitude and also hold myself accountable to the practice. I will be looking for contributors to share on #gratituderant. If you have any ideas please connect with me!

Some other exercises that I focused on to help me grow past the funk I was in are from the teachings of Abraham Hicks and the book “Ask and It Is Given”. YouTube is a great place to access some of this information. The repeating message in Abraham's teachings is that the most important thing to accomplish each day is to feel good. When your focus is on things that please you, you will attract more of the same. On the other hand, when you focus on what is wrong with a situation, you unconsciously bring more undesired results. I understand that for some people this sounds nuts, but once you consciously practice it and you experience the law of attraction… you're hooked. It is a practice and it requires a decision to pay attention to how you feel and make course corrections when things go the wrong direction. Meditation is another repeated suggestion in Abraham's teachings. Just 15-20 minutes each day focusing on quieting your mind and releasing that inner voice that likes to drag you down. You are not that voice. You are the peace between your thoughts. Connecting to that sets the tone for your day and allows you to recognize your own guidance system that leads you to know who you really are. I have been dabbling with meditation for years, it has repeatedly been on my “to do” list but until recently I hadn’t made it a habit. I don’t feel like I am really good at it yet, but I do feel better after I meditate and I have become pretty consistent with it. It’s a work in progress. I’ll keep you posted.
Just as the struggle is real, the bounce back is certain. On the flip side of the unwanted is the perspective that helps you see things more clearly. With that experience, you are better equipped to make better decisions on how to spend your time and what or whom to avoid. I hope that some of my perspectives resonate with you. If you are at a high point… you are doing something right. Keep it up! If you are at a low point or somewhere in the middle, try to find a place to start appreciating the information/manifestations and grow your way out. Wherever you are, I am cheering you on. After all, we are all in this together!
Brenda Ridgley
Feel good Mantra: "Nothing is more important than that I feel good. I am going to find ways to do so today."